by christina britt lewis photography by angela statzer we did some serious rearranging of rooms at this home. the guest room used to be the play room. we came and drew some sketches for the clients to follow and save themselves some moolah on our time. they did a great job placing everything just so and only needed a few finishing touches. the white shelves were fun for the play room but a challenge to make feel guest roomy. taking them down would have made a big mess, so here is what we did instead... before the redesign company... after the redesign company... their gorgeous dresser was tucked in a corner and while we are deeply fond of symmetry, the dresser was too beautiful to hide in a corner. putting the bed off center made the room feel so much bigger too. we got a few happy new things that didn't cost much at all and angela took a trip to habitat for some books just to add some warmth and texture to the shelves. we have this thing about books on bookshelves. we just think they belong there. so if you are a library person or you read on a screen, we buy books. their great art, a new mirror that reflects outside, their hooks, new lantern for when company comes to make the room extra cozy. below is the corner where the dresser was. we recommended they return the white table, move the tulips to a desk on the other side of the room, place a luggage rack where the table is, and hang two white plush robes on the hooks for their lucky company. all they need are chocolates for the pillows and they are good to go. our client's sweet words... Oh are just SOOOO stinking good at what you do! ...I am thrilled with how it all turned is so cozy in there...I think that is your specialty...making spaces feel cozy and warm...I am so happy you were able to use so much of our art work and what you added is just perfect. You somehow made that room seem SO MUCH bigger?! I can't wait to have guests come stay is a room I am proud to share with my family and friends. As I have told you before, I have some serious Scottish tight pockets and usually have major stress and anxiety over doing things like this but as soon as I see the end results, it somehow all vanishes and I am completely fine with spending that money! Let that be your best compliment from one cheap Mama ;) So, I hope you like working with us because we are not done with you yet! We need to Christina-ify our dining room and master bedroom down the road. Love love love coming home... xoxo, Maria and John Comments are closed.