redesign your career
if we could sit down for blueberry coffee cake and a kitchen table conversation
with everyone who invited us out for coffee to "pick our brains"... we totally would.
teaching and encouraging people to make their own way in this world is our favorite.
believing in others before they believe in themselves is our superpower.
we are ridiculously proud of every new business we have had a hand in starting.
and my grandmother's blueberry coffee cake recipe is wicked good.
but there are so many of you world changers out there and we have... like... day jobs.
please come sit down with us for a big heart to heart... the phone...
our brains are yours for the picking. ask all of your questions. we will tell you our stories.
because if we can do it, you can do it.
most of you know what you want to do, but something stops you from starting.
this will not be just a "you can do it" pep talk... we will to teach you how to start.
by the end of the 90ish minute phone call, you will know how to launch your new business. done.
here is what making your own way in this world does not require...
- a degree from a prestigious school
- being born into money
- exceptional talent or giftedness
- being super well-connected
- going to networking meetings - thank God!
- years of experience
- the support of your family and friends
- an impressive resume
- believing in yourself
here is what making your own way in this world does require...
- perseverance
that's it. the rest you can learn as you go. and here is the thing...
perseverance is not a gift or a skill or a talent.
perseverance is not something you are born with or without.
perseverance is not something you study in school...
perseverance is a choice.
we do what we love for a living, because perseverance.
we are not broke anymore, because perseverance.
we made our dreams come true, because perseverance.
i am writing to you in my pj's at a cottage on the side of a mountain in the middle of the caribbean...
because perseverance.
every day, i walk down the mountain to the little village.
walking back up is so wicked hard, you guys.
i almost die.
when i look up to where i am headed, it looks so far away and impossible.
when i look up to the top, i can't breathe and start to curse the day i was ever born.
when i look up to where i want to be, i pray a kind islander will drive by and rescue me.
when i look down at my own two feet...
when i look down at the road and force myself to take the next step...
when i persevere one tiny baby step at a time...
i make it all the way to the top.
starting your own business is just like that.
we teach you how we climbed our mountain, step by step.
because if we can, you can.
this will be our theme song...
every generation gets a chance to change the world.
pity the nation that won't listen to your boys and girls.
'cause the sweetest melody is the one we haven't heard.
is it true that perfect love drives out all fear?
the right to be ridiculous is something i hold dear.
oh, but a change of heart comes slow.
it's not a hill, it's a mountain as you start out the climb.
listen for me, i'll be shouting.
we're gonna make it all the way to the light...
i know i'm not alone.
tell us what stops you from starting.
let's talk soon.
tim and christina