by christina britt lewis and timothy dean lewis photography by angela statzer sometimes we forget to check the refrigerator magnets before my mom comes over. sometimes my mom reads the words and i feel like i'm all of twelve and in big trouble. sometimes there are wildly inappropriate sentences put together there. sometimes days after friends have been over for dinner we notice new sentences that totally crack us up. sometimes a lot of people come and go from our home and we never know who wrote what. sometimes i thank God for the three witty and hysterical men that i live with. sometimes we juice and always we drink coffee. sometimes we give george rawhide bones. sometimes we wonder what it would be like to go a day without literally laughing out loud... this is one day of a 31 day series about living in a peaceful home.
click here to read the rest of the series. peace be with you, tim christina cole camden george Comments are closed.