by christina britt lewis and timothy dean lewis photography by angela statzer once upon a time one of our writer/artist friends came for a visit. he kindly listened as i went on and on about every little thing that makes me so happy about our little home. i can go on and on and on... he didn't say much, although admittedly, it's hard to get a word in when i'm around. i'm working on that. as we walked past the pantry door on to what i thought were more important things, he paused. he stopped and studied the random cards from friends and paintings by our boys on wrinkled paper as if he was at the bechtler. brings tears to my eyes to remember this moment. after much silence and much ignoring my pulling at his sleeve to go see things that i thought mattered more, he said something like, "THIS is art. THIS is what you should hang on your walls. THIS is beautiful." and so i did... our smart friend knew of which he spoke. i didn't spend a penny. i found old frames in our attic or reused ones with less meaningful things in them. some are broken and glued or taped together. the square one above doesn't even have a back, i just taped the card to the wall and hung the backless frame around it. these random gallery walls bring me more peace and happiness than anything else in our home. i often pause and study them as if i'm at the bechtler. because art is anything that moves your soul. this is one day of a 31 day series about living in a peaceful home. click here to read the rest of the series. peace be with you, tim christina cole camden george Comments are closed.