by christina britt lewis sometimes it seems... the greatest gift we give people is permission to put away the portrait. now we both know you don't need anyone's permission to put away your own wedding portrait. you are a grown-ass person. but there is something about hearing your deepest desires validated that causes the most grown-ass people to do the sweet sweet happy dance of freedom. preportrait... postportrait... and sometimes you have hung your super cool art magnificently know, you can do great things... so we validate your magnificence by leaving your art right where you put it... and always... love if it fills you with sweet memories, keep the portrait out. loud and proud. but... for the rest of us who are better now than we were then, permission to put away the portrait granted. (not that you ever need anyone's permission to do anything) here's to happy dancing in your family room, xo... christina for all Comments are closed.