by christina britt lewis design by kelly lies photography by angela statzer ohmyword, you guys... we can't begin to count how many of our dear clients got talked into custom window treatments that cost more than a trip to iceland by some highfalutin designer. we know what's coming when we walk into a room like the one below. everyone says something like..."can you help me love these window treatments? they cost a fortune." sometimes yes. you know we are all about finding the beauty in what you already have. but usually we gently reply... "no. no, we can't. those window treatments make you feel sad inside. we are here to set you free from your prison of regret." or something... hehe... all together now, ahhhhhhhhh..... freedom. simple window treatments are classic, timeless, forever, and wicked affordable. oh and we salvaged the fancy shmancy designerly rods by painting them white. now our sweet clients feel happy when they walk in this room. one might even say that they... love coming home same comfy old sofa feels fresh with a few new pillows and a throw. everything they already have, just redesigned plus a new bowl. all of those old photos that you swear you will do something with someday? put them in a pretty bowl for everyone to see every day. live surrounded by things that make you happy. have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. - william morris and us xo... christina for all Comments are closed.