we could sit and listen to the stories this family has to tell all the live long day. she has met the old man from ernest hemingway's old man and the sea. seriously. i have seen the photo. they attended the last inaugural ball. seriously. you can see the photo below. they travel to interesting places, read good books, and collect things that bring back beautiful memories. when she unrolled the art you see freshly framed below, i may have happy danced. art is anything that moves your soul. these pieces are deeply meaningful to this family. so what moves YOUR soul? you don't have to travel the world or go to inaugurations to have a home that feels like you. it doesn't have to cost anything to be beautiful. you probably already have what you need to make your house your home. so before you go to a store...go to your attic, under your bed, your kitchen cabinets... things that look great hanging on your wall that you probably already have... your grandmother's china photos of your favorite places love notes your children's self-portraits seashells in an ikea shadow box maps of your hometown handed down handwritten recipes ticket stubs from concerts cards from somebody you love pages from your favorite book maps of where you dream to go... framing doesn't have to cost much either. get big ikea frames and have a new mat cut to the size of your art. a pair of ticket stubs in an oversized frame feels artsy and important. yard sale frames are great too and feel old and collected in a good way. or maybe you've already got some frames in your attic too! xo...
christina and angela Comments are closed.