by christina britt lewis | photography by angela statzer jade is crazy cool. she always looks fabulous, but in this easy sort of way that makes you feel like you could look fabulous too. she is fun and funny, smart and sassy. and a little too busy making the world a more beautiful place and helping people feel great about themselves to stop and organize her office... so she called us FROM CONNECTICUT creating space for world changers to change the world is our dream come true creating space in CONNECTICUT is...well...crazy cool see, fabulous... those are not pages from anthropologie and coastal living. those are real photos of this real family. and also a fun way to repurpose a bulletin board, i gotta say. ok, the buck head actually is from anthropologie. we love how it's tough and girlie at the same time. just like jade. meet jade on the right with her best friend who lives in sweden... hehehe... most everything you see below we found already in their home. just redesigned... we were totally inspired by this... i now get why jade looks so fabulous all the time. apparently she doesn't buy her clothes from the 30% off rack at target while she's there anyway for towels and tampons. or whatever. not that there's anything wrong with that. ahem... jade is an independent CAbi consultant. and you guys, these clothes make you feel great about yourself. they are beautiful in an easy, comfortable, effortless sort of way. i'm keeping my target shirts. but i'm wearing them with CAbi jeans that make me feel fabulous. so, of course, we had to give her a place for her clients to try things on! all things we found already in their home. just redesigned... so she knows what time to call her friends all over the world... jade and vaughn (her man...and how cool are their names? i mean, c'mon already) wrote the sweetest houzz reviews for us. we are SO EXCITED to go back and redesign more rooms. and we LOVED that they noticed this... the real talent was in getting to know our different styles, finding those "little" things that make you remember the best in life and then arranging them so that you "love coming home". one of my favorite little things she already had was that journal on her desk... follow your heart. live your dream. be passionate. happiness is yours to take. never give up. your energy is limitless. embrace possibility. love your life. xo... christina for all Comments are closed.