by christina britt lewis photography by angela statzer warm brownies and a basket full of goodness... we have the best clients in the whole wide world. they are a fun family who have been too busy being awesome to bother with this front room. but it is the first room you see when you walk in the front door and as much as we love to redesign with what people already have, sometimes it's time for something new. they didn't think they had much to work with. we begged to differ. this china cabinet, their books, the art they have collected, and a few pieces of their pottery become the focal point of the new library slash reading room. there is beauty in what you already have. these are the things that tell your story and make a house a home. i have been saying those words for over 10 years, but some of you still don't believe me... we switched this piece... for THIS piece... all things they already have and love... oh and not framed pages from a vineyard vines catalog. they are really that stunning. ...maybe i should take up fencing. on guard! if we shopped for months we would not have found a pillow more perfect than the one they already have...
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