by christina britt lewis photography by angela statzer first time we redesigned a room around a round bed. that's the cool thing about making what you already have and love our inspiration, every redesign is fresh and new and fun. zain is super cool so his room had to be too... what would we do without iced coffee and uncle bill? we were going for studio apartment in new york more than teenage bedroom in charlotte... tomorrow... how kelly and angela came up with this buck head brag wall. and the lovely lady at lowes who helped us make them orange. the coffee table that uncle bill built elevates to use for a desk. how cool it that? i would say that the fact that zain's computer case matches the redesigned room is a happy coincidence, but i don't believe in coincidence. coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys. we love this family ridiculously. we have redesigned almost every room in their home. will post the bonus room and master bedroom over the weekend. she writes the sweetest emails and left the loveliest houzz review. of all her kind words, these were the three we were most happy to hear... zain loves everything. our work here is done. xo... christina and all Comments are closed.