by christina britt lewis photography by angela statzer design by kelly lies our dear client's words are better than any i could think up... our brown chair is ironically sexy now, with the furry white pillow. our funky, weird, rusty items are all on display; not just jutting out in awkward places. you made our stuff look like art. i actually WANT to sit in the living room. versus wrinkling up my nose saying "i do not like this room". my favorite art pieces are placed beautifully around the TV. i hate TV, but now i enjoy gazing at whatever ridiculous show the kids have on....i get to stare at my art. we ALL LOVE the new lay-out of the furniture. i would have never gotten this on my own (duh, that's why you were brought into our lives). i feel like we gained a brand new view of the lake and backyard. perfect! this whole process made me think about the fact that blending households is tricky, not impossible, just tricky. everyone, kids included, brings to the table their favorites, their memories, their needs, their wants, and their opinions. collected memorabilia from all has to be cleverly combined so that it works well, but also shares everyone's story. but, most importantly, gives a solid foundation for a new family to begin. you guys nailed it. before... after... all the same furniture. i totally swear. just masterfully redesigned by the best of the best, kelly lies and angela statzer. before... after... all their art. just redesigned. i totally swear. kelly found some new pillows and throws to tie everything together like it was always meant to be. and a couple of new lamps and a basket update the whole room. oh and a nice, neutral, dog and kid friendly, super affordable rug. but that's it. i swear. redesign works, people. it totally works. there is so much beauty in what you already have. you do not need a whole bunch of new stuff to make your house the home you hope for. you. do. not. the older and weirder your stuff, the better the redesign... so take that moolah you've been saving up for a new whatever...
and take your big blended family on vacation! when you get back, we'll help you pull it all together like it was always meant to be. 'cause it totally was. xo... christina for all Comments are closed.