by christina britt lewis | photography by angela statzer you know how at the end of decorating shows they show the designerly people perfectly placing a painting over the bed or a pillow on a chair and then "ta da...." yeah, that's fake. you need to know that's not real life. in real life we try 8 different ideas over the bed and 4 different pillows on the chair. we stand back and look at the whole room over and over again. we eat a granola bar, sip iced coffee and just look at things for a while. we ask each other, "will they LOVE it?" then we move all the pieces around and start over. sometimes we end up back where we started. sometimes we end up someplace we never saw coming while standing in the art and pillow sections of homegoods. but us sipping coffee... staring at a pillow... thinking... would be... *yawn* boring tv the art and pillows and whathaveyou are the puzzle pieces. your room is the puzzle. some are simple and come together quickly. most are hard and take time and lots and lots of tries. so when your room doesn't come together in 30 minutes and make you feel all "ta da..." know that you are not alone in this. be easy on yourself. you got this. it's just a puzzle. there is no race. give yourself time, iced coffee, and lots and lots of tries... see that blue vase above and below? we found it in the home, happy danced 'cause we thought it was perfect in the room, tried it everywhere, looked, sipped, thought...a lot. and in the end, it didn't make the cut. below are more things that didn't make the cut. because here's the thing... we all second guess ourselves. there are no rules, easy answers, right ways, or secret formulas. you just have to figure out what you love. so how do you figure out what you love? 1. walk away from screens 2. put down catalogs 3. close your eyes and think about where you feel happy and peaceful and most like YOU! these beautiful people love outside, the ocean, motorcycles, fashion, and each other. so we knew they would love watery blues, starfish, leather, stripes, and a chalkboard for love notes ...or whatever when you know what you love making choices is easier. not easy, but easier. angela and i were walking on a busy street in chelsea when they got home. so we couldn't hear every word of their happy phone call, but the words don't matter. what matters is you love coming home. this song played a few times while we were in connecticut. making your home your happy place is easier if you imagine your home is singing to you... i totally swear. tomorrow, THE OFFICE!
which is super fabulous, i have to say. xo... christina for all Comments are closed.