we all want the same things... to love and be loved, to live surrounded by people we respect and to be respected right back, to love coming home at the end of the day, to feel safe and not afraid, to do work that makes us proud, we all want to matter. we have very different ideas, ways, solutions, paths, and preferences... but we all want the same things. so i don't see a reason to talk politics and religion too far from my kitchen table. did anybody ever change their mind about anything because of a clever tweet or status update? revolution starts at home. shatter your own glass ceiling, and you will raise up people who find it inconceivable that there ever was one. make your own life great, and you will raise up people who do not rely on others for their happiness and well-being. pour all of your energy into raising people up. waste none of your life tearing people down. we are at our best when we talk about what we love. we are at our worst when we talk about what we hate. we have the power to change the world. one kitchen table conversation at a time. get curious. ask questions. listen. eat good food. be who you want them to be rather than insisting they be who you want them to be. problems get solved when we focus on changing ourselves rather than changing other people. if we want to live in a world where people respect each other, we have to raise up people who respect each other. and we raise up people who respect each other, by being people who respect each other. we have to rise up. so turn off the news. close your laptop. put your phone in the junk drawer. play games. listen to music. eat blueberries with the ones you love. everything we really need, we already have. welcome to my house... Comments are closed.