kelly seriously does free my heart... before... after... even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, you owe me look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky this art hangs in our home and is our most requested piece. we love that it moves many of our clients deeply too. this is how we do marriage, parenting, business, life... tim and i celebrate our 25th anniversary soon. this idea... unconditional acceptance, giving over getting, refusing to blame... freedom freedom is why tim is my best friend. freedom is why cole and camden think we hung the moon. freedom is why our clients say what they say about us. but good lord, you guys... for too many of those 25 years it was all... you owe me. you hurt me. you are the reason i am unhappy. took me a long time to stop blaming other people for my unhappiness. sometimes it doesn't feel like it... sometimes it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah, but... we have a choice. we do not always choose our circumstances, but we choose how we respond to our circumstances. we choose to be the victim or the hero of our life story. we choose. The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance. - Viktor E. Frankl happiness, contentment, peace... they don't come while we wait and hope for somebody to give them to us. peace comes when we get busy giving it away. forgive me for saying this all the time, but i'm talking to myself over here. because i tend to forget... Whatever you think people are withholding from you… praise, appreciation, assistance, loving care, and so on… give it to them. - Eckhart Tolle ...still learning sweet talk from our happy client... The Redesign Company created an inviting and open space that is cozy, comfortable, and classy. We love it! They mixed modern and traditional with fun and inspiring! We can't wait to share the space with family and friends. Working with this professional crew is amazing! They listen and communicate well and truly want to please the customer, yet still mindful of the budget! this was our 99th review on houzz. we all can't quite believe we get to do this every day. thank you for all of the love and for trusting us with your homes. big things appear to be on the horizon for our little company. we will always remember who got us there. with so much love and gratitude, xo... christina for all Comments are closed.