by christina britt lewis photography by angela statzer redesign by christina, angela, and kelley lies this home was already beautiful. our client has fabulous taste and serious style. she even knows how to make a pillow look perfect. she just needs some help finishing things. "warming it up" she calls it. so that we do. here is the most beautiful before photo of the most beautiful play room i ever posted... we rearranged the furniture so that the big window with the beautiful view of trees and sky became a focal point. this really changes the way a room feels. it's so much more lovely to face nature than to face a closet door. we added more lighting too so that you don't need to turn on the overhead. a triangle of lamps makes a room cozy and comfortable and makes everybody look more beautiful. she really wanted to make this tv niche less boring and more fun. so we got a few fun things... framed a photo they already have and love... and made a fun gallery wall... before. beautiful. i totally know. but the slight off centeredness of the art was off putting... and after. all together now... ahhhhhh... electronic mayhem... made peaceful by a few baskets. we feed the chargers through the holes in the basket so just the charger part is showing inside the basket, give everything a place, and hide the whole mess of extra cord under the table. you could also hide the extra cord in the basket if this were on a kitchen counter. we do this all the time. looks better than charging stations and costs like $7 or whatever... before... after... kelly making fun happen... angela lighting up the darkness... this may be our new signature lamp. i am head over heels in love with it. thanks be to ikea. as always... when you don't have a fancy photography umbrella, a stool from the kitchen and a shower curtain for tomorrow's installation will do just fine... our clients sweet words... Love, love, love the room! You are amazing!! ...My two older sons favorite part of the room are the two white bean bags on the floor. They have already claimed which ones are who's.....even though they're both exactly the same ;) ...I'm so in love with your work! nothing makes us happier than when you love coming home. off to redesign a dining room this morning. it's the most wonderful time of the year for us. we can't wait to show you a project we just finished up for safe alliance too! xoxoxox... christina, angela, and kelly Comments are closed.