by christina britt lewis photography by angela statzer we are BACK! we tend to take a ton of time off after decking all the halls. people think i have been unavailable because i've been busy book writing. yeah, notsomuch. letting people think that is easier than finding words to explain my need for nothingness. in his brilliant book essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less, greg mckeown found the words... everything changes when we give ourselves permission to be more selective in what we choose to do. at once, we hold the key to unlock the next level of achievement in our lives. there is tremendous freedom in learning that we can eliminate the nonessentials, that we are no longer controlled by other people's agendas, and that we get to choose. with that invincible power we can discover our highest point of contribution, not just to our lives or careers, but to the world... so we are back! and more resolved than ever to help people see the beauty in what they already have... the pool table had become a notsobeautiful catch all since their little one came along. time to turn this into a happy reading room to spend time listening, pondering, meditating, and enjoying time with a most important person... a few fresh things that kelly found and a button bird designs owl handmade by angela breathe new life into the comfy old loveseat they already had... her grandmother's chair looked dated and small in the bedroom where we found it, but in the new reading room it suddenly feels all anthropologie... we found curious george up in a closet AFTER we had decided on yellow for the room. i LOVE it when that happens! people don't think they have great stuff, but they do. you do. you totally do. the play room and the family room we stole the loveseat from coming soon! oh and about 20 more redesigns too. i'm a bit behind on blogging due to all of the nothingness i have been doing. and i'm not sorry. BIG LOVE to myquillyn for recommending and angela for buying the book that made me not sorry. xo... christina for all Comments are closed.