after the big betrayal that broke my heart, i swore i would never again love work people. my plan was complete professionalism, whatever that is. and then these two came along... you know i believe "we get what we give" but sometimes, you guys... sometimes we give and we give and we give... and all we get is hurt. some have written to me over the years and told me so. i'm so sorry. i didn't know. have you heard that grandmotherly wisdom about heartache being like hot water? and people are like carrots, eggs, or coffee. when hot water happens to a carrot, it gets weak and soft. when hot water happens to an egg, it gets hard and rigid. when hot water happens to coffee, it changes the water. i am an egg. heartache made me lose faith in humanity. i thought that refusing to love my work people was an act of self-preservation. but it made me a person that i do not want to be. i want to be coffee. coffee changes the water into something wonderful. if we are coffee, when things are at their worst, we get better. we change the situation around us for the better. but it's easy to say "i want to be coffee" it's tricky to actually become the person we want to be. the first step is simply this... decide to become the person you want to be. we can't change other people. we can only change ourselves. after that... look for the helpers. you will always find people who are helping. - mr. roger's mom kelly and angela are helpers and healers. everything i gave away did not come back to me in the way that i hoped. everything i gave away came back to me so much bigger and better than i ever dared to dream, thanks to angela and kelly and other helpers and healers in my life. surround yourself with the ones who see beauty and speak truth. seth godin says that the best small businesses are... a team of equals: this is an organization staffed with people who have particular skills, skills that you don't have. this is the Beatles. or a three-person design firm in which each person is more skilled than the others in a specialty. he refers to such teams as a cooperative of artisans. i say we are a connection of status quo antagonists. same thing. angela and kelly have mad skills that i don't have. we are a team of equals. and i am finished fighting it, i want to become the person i want to be... of all these friends and lovers, there is noone compares with you. and these memories lose their meaning when i think of love as something new. though i know i'll never lose affection for people and things that went before and i know i'll often stop and think about them... in my life, i love you more. xo... christina for all Comments are closed.