their teenagers came home from school while we were redesigning their master bedroom. their son hollered up "hey you guys, can i make you a fresh pot of french press?" their daughter sat right down at the piano to sing so sweetly we had to just stop and listen. seriously. this is a happy home. full of good coffee sweet music kind people and forsythias in the back yard... this is cole's other home and she is cole's other mother. our first born babyboys are best friends. they redefine "teenager" don't believe people who say your kids will hate you. this family confirms everything tim and i know to be true... if you want love, be loving. if you want respect, be respectful. if you want happiness, be happy. if you want peace, be peaceful. go first. don't wait for the other person to change. it doesn't work that way. it's that whole be the change you wish to see in the world thing. it's that whole do unto others as you would have them do unto you thing. they prove that most of the time, you get what you give. their home is warm and welcoming and whimsical. ...'cept for the master bedroom. like most mothers, she takes care of everybody else first. so when an accident forced her to stop, rest, and recover in her room... they called us. and we came running. with a stack of books to help, heal, and make her laugh... they are the kind of people who come running when you need help. they are the kind you call. they love so big they are actually making a place for us all to gather and celebrate each other. come drink good beer with us at old town public house as soon as it opens. 'cause it takes a village, people. and the village gets thirsty. all together now... before... the pretty pillow they already have and love was our inspiration. great art and happy lamps make the same old furniture look lovely. crisp white is the secret to a bed that feels all fresh and boutiquey hotel... art by their daughter art by local artist and family friend, amy early pose by kelly lies 'cause she's sassy like that a perfectly placed mirror reflects light from the killer new fixture and the healing sunshine and...well...other fun things...ahem... her happy words... dear superstars, as i sit in my bed, under clouds of covers, i see everything all over again for the first time. i am awestruck. i gasp. the way the amy early art compliments the art behind the bed through the mirror forces another uncontrollable "oh my god!" i take in another breath and feel at peace. i'm so amazed that i get to heal in this room. i can't wait to get busy in this room! it's so sexy. the mirrors are perfect. framing and hanging the art of my children makes me know i'm home. my heart is full of gratitude. thank you for inspiring me and rocking my world with beautiful things. i might write you ladies a love note every night, at least for a few weeks. i seriously love you all! if you need me for anything tomorrow, i'll be on vacation in my room, reading some inspirational books. best. love note. ever. we hear her man is quite happy too ;-) xo... christina for all Comments are closed.