by christina britt lewis photography by angela statzer once upon a time the redesign company went to austin to help people love coming home. everything about austin is fabulous, including our hotel. each room had a perfectly stocked smeg refrigerator with all kinds of locally made goodness. it was love at first sight for me, kelly, and angela. we have been hoping to use one in a redesign ever since... TA DA!! how cute is that? stocked with drinks for kids AND grownups and lots of ben and jerry's. finding out what kind of candy you and yours prefer is our job. it's a weird job, but it's our job. and we love it. we think that's why you give us so much love on houzz and why we get to go all over the country to redesign homes... because we care so deeply about every. little. thing. even the kind of candy you love. their art, their banners, their jersey, their bats, their collections... all shipped from philly for us to make work perfectly in their new home in charlotte... how fun is that room??
xo... christina for all Comments are closed.